Cells and their Organelles

Cells make up out entire human body. But do we really know what cells are made of? What makes the things that help us function run? Lets find out today.


Ribosomes are very small organelles that are inside of the Cytoplasm and are connected to the Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum. They are in both, a plant and animal cell, and they make proteins for the cell. The instructions to make those things are called RNA, which comes from the DNA in the Nucleus.

The Ribosomes look like tiny particles.Their spherical design allows them to stick to the Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum and also to be in the Cytoplasm.

Golgi Bodies
The Golgi Apparatus looks like flattened sacks. They help in the transportation of the vesicles, and it modifies fat and protein for cell use.

The Mitochondria is bean shaped with membranes inside. They break down energy and repackage it so that the cell can use it. It is in bot a plant and animal cell.

Peroxisomes are found in Eukaryotic Cells.

The Nucleus regulates the cell’s actions, and contains DNA which has the instruction to make RNA. It can also be described as the brain as it controls the cell’s actions.

Smooth vs Rough Er
The Rough ER is covered with ribosomes, which allows it to create/process proteins. The Smooth ER isn’t covered with anything, and it deals with cleaning of poisons lipids, etc.

Cytosol’s Other Name

To remove and destroy waste and “bugs” with enzymes.

Making Leaves Green
Chlorophyll, which does photosynthesis to give food/energy to the cell. Also provides green color to the leaves.

A vacuole is a storage tank that stores food and water for the cell to use. It is larger in a plant cell that a animal cell.